Friday, October 25, 2019

world of wonder

The night comes hard softly, the weight upon you all at once, a limit learned by doing. All the moments left unstolen, all mistaken appraisals and summary judgments, the key broken off within the lock while the mechanism stammers and sighs. The somebody you wanted to be no one you’ll ever know. The ledger the red of debt, each breath the red of blood. You fell off the ride so hard so long ago, there’s not so much as a thought of getting back on. The horse made its choice, and there’s a whole world of falling yet to beat back the flesh from your bones. Debt, pain, and squalor your steadfast retinue, the night bumps the hardest once you’re down.

Time moves quickly among the orbits and contraptions, slipping around the rotations, counting on the eyes being fixed on the clock and the minarets. It walks with your ghosts, seeps in your bones with the cold, hides behind the mirror and inside your eyes. It plays with the numbers and delivers the medicine you don’t want to take. It takes everything, but it takes it from everything to keep it honest. It is the fire to your fuse, the boiling pot to your frog. It runs you down to rims, then it leaves you there. The road goes on without you.

Now it’s the long toothed hour, dead nerves and bad joints. The growing list of afflictions, the empty roster of kith and kindreds. The wishes still exist, but mostly as the curling smoke of snuffed candles, the stars so impossibly far that their burning might be over, the lover who never loved you, and never will. The bad art and self important raging. The cold hands of the earth, the deaf ears of the world. Before the meal is over, we will all be meat. The world of wonder devours as it shines. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


The eyes feast
open before the leavings of
the light, the sensing 
ever bearing the brand,
the here I am
staring into the world
while the mind makes
mischief of the map.
The magic of the focus,
the framing and the lens.

So the sky goes, so
the flesh seethes,
this road from face to
ache, from the fence
line to the far horizon. 
Wishes and antecedents, 
the twilight the escape of
your warm name from
out my mouth. 
The wind always swooping in.

I anticipate your unfurling, 
the bent of bone
as if a wing embracing 
flight, all the tethers of
tongue and troth. 
Eyes open upon 
your skin and shine
the draw of want pressed
against the story
left beneath this kiss.

houses in motion

Somehow the sun managed to swim the sky out past sight, the afternoon stippled with screaming children, Paul Simon songs, and crows. Somehow...