Monday, October 29, 2018

water weight

Used to be they’d bind in the gravitas. Not so much the heft of the words but the weight of the paper. Not so much the weft of the phrasing but the cleave of the spine. Shelves heavy with say so, stacks and stacks of all this negative left unsaid. The words can wait out lifetimes, clinging on with only words for purchase. Now they go from ghost to ghost, legions of apparitions awaiting capture. Now they nest amongst the driven dreaming, turning over in the apostle mirror. These gleaming unseen grimoire. The engines of becoming released at last.

We are among the latest failings, we measure among our last. Here on the stark shore of devastation with a wave of fascism about to break. Writhing in our ardent husks, piling word atop word as we stare at the edge of the cull. Lapsed into our monkeyshines, thinking someone would come along. Seething our worrisome souls away as we seal ourselves within our monument. A heaven built of tombs.

The bathroom mirror isn’t keeping any secrets. Time is always passing by, the face you live with the mark you bear. Turn out the light, there’s nothing left to see. Shut your mouth, there’s nothing left to say. The words don’t need me to carry their water. The words don’t need to bear my weight. The tightness in the heart, the tug of longed for breath. The love that will not bear your  witness. The love that will take the words and go.

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