Sunday, April 26, 2020


All at once the wind comes up and all at once the trees alight, waving green and gold. The fire on your mind becomes the fire in your eyes, seeing always saying something, the smoke and mirrors until we appear. Awake in the world as the tides collide. Painted in kind words and ravening hungers, the whim and wonder lapping at the shores of the self. The scintillations of every present tension, all the now you can handle. All of us in it at once, a bright and boundless center and the sea of strings and sparks. Shimmering like leaves in the wind, scuffing up every surface with makeshift mirrors and algorithmic lenses. All these flames burning time.

It’s really the senses playing catch up, the words overwhelmed or the engine diverted. It’s what all that focus is for. Love and kindness and passion and hunger. The things that claim us and the things that make us, always looking out and ever in our hearts. We plunge and plunder and steal some souls and seal our fates. There are windows we leave open once all the doors are bolted. There are lights we leave burning even once we’re gone. 

The sky is bright and the wind is high, every bud and bloom, every leaf and limb bearing the blessing of the play along sun. The world does what it wants to and we keep the game afoot. Creeping through the undergrowth, crawling with intent. All eyes and appetites and origin stories. Catch phrases and frequencies and stretches of the spectra. Alive in the only time that will take us, now spilling over the brim and no one to say when. The flame we carry, the fuel we are. The wind full of pollen says it all. The wind says go. 

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