Sunday, November 24, 2024

where it’s at

The scene opens, or at least the line starts to unwind, the sense of a spindle as the stylus finds a scratch. Again and again, the metaphor hewn from allusion and skull static, the old song despite my lack of even a single turntable or the clout of some hefty hegemon. Here on the precipice of the vast decline, at the moment in the fall indistinguishable from flight the phrases turn and turn, ever the glow from the burn. The breadth of the sky, whether thick with rain or stunned with stars, and strictures of the mind meat stuffed in my skull that measure out my limits. I am here, I say to no one in particular. I am here I say as no one in particular at all.

This loss is a location, it is a mark upon the flat circle, a setting for a settling. It is an awakening and a resolution, eyes rubbed back into vision, all the sites having left me sore. There is little done that is not debacle, tied so tight to the meanings in our minds we cannot help but spin from this speaking, the story swapped out part for part to ease all the other monkeys in the barrel. We say the things we always say, the quiet part aloud. The joinery of the hierarchical, the avuncular ape the unseen architect as we climb and hoot, going along by making it up. Cliqued up in the pitter patter as they name what does and does not matter, the coin that funds the crowd. 

It’s been a hard landing out here in my leasts and lasts. The old ways crumbling as the light shifts, the shift in shadows adding absent shapes that cling, eyes grown into the new sight now strangers to the earth. Towers rise from foundations of ad libbed myths and mistakes in the translation, ghosts of ghosts as the cull hungers and moans. I let go of a few dear habits and deleted the final drafts of my residence in the para ethereal, no outlet valve or repurposed brand. Giving up what isn’t good for you is immaterial, I am giving up what I’m no good for, these clades and strata and five things that surprise. There’re are two more pieces I plan to write in the ol Blood and Ghostal, then it’s goodbye cool words. Until then all blessings to the doomed, the danged, and the hanged.

1 comment:

  1. Ok but I just woke up from a dream you were making intense, adept visual art. Page after page in a book with real pages. Graphic, dense, lots of red. You can let go of residences, but not the para ethereal. What loves you finds you. Not threat, but fact.


the ache underway

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